Guided Wellness @The EMDR Consultant

Confidence | Clarity | Creativity for EMDR professionals


The EMDR Cognitions Masterclass: 

Comprehensive EMDR Treatment Via Client Narratives



Friday, 04/12 @ 9 AM (PT)


— the official 2 hour course for EMDR therapists, presented LIVE!

Learn how to create a bridge between a client's storytelling, negative and positive cognitions created throughout the 8 phases. 

Clients with complex PTSD can have a range of cognitions that messily pile up on top of each other. Have clarity in identifying the theme and focusing treatment.


Learn how to create a bridge between a client's storytelling, negative and positive cognitions created throughout the 8 phases.


And feel confident tying it all together!


Explore the use of NC’s and PC’s through all 8 phases. You’ll gain practical applications and “pro tips” that allow for fidelity to the model and flexibility in practice.

Workshop registration closes soon

What's inside the course?


  2 Hours of instruction presented LIVE  featuring exclusive coverage of Special Issues as well as “Pro Tips" to take you beyond basic training.  


Learn to easily identify the 3 qualities of a functional cognition for enhanced treatment planning, desensitization and reprocessing.


Confidently identify the phases in which the use of negative and positive cognitions is expected and later amplifies trauma resolution.


Empower yourself with creative interventions to support clients’ identification of negative and positive cognitions. 

Finally, a course that highlights the client's innermost narrative from start to finish.


Why does this matter?

  • Clearly identifying client's cognitions and narratives leads you to create comprehensive and clear treatment plans.


  • Your client’s require an innately unique experience of EMDR therapy. The methods gained in this course boost your confidence in applying EMDR and increase flexibility in your interventions.


  • Stand-alone interventions without a view of the entire 8-Phase system fall short for you and your clients.  Enhance the flow of treatment and boost results even if you client's drop out before completion of treatment.


  • Reduce your burn-out and distraction / avoidance of the EMDR by solidifying your basic skillset and deepening the therapeutic alliance.

This course is for you if:

I've begun Using EMDR

You've completed your basic training and you need a training that is both a review of the standard protocol plus the confidence to cope when clients don't respond as you expected.

I want confidence 

and creativity

You've been practicing for some time now and want to integrate a broader skill set in sessions. You're tried of feeling married to the worksheets and desire flexibility and creativity (without messing up what works!)

My relationship with The client comes first

A client's cognitions represent their inner most stories - the place where they feel most vulnerable and exposed. You want to join clients in this journey by supporting their vulnerability and holding compassion for their fears and their pain. 

Grab the course and get unstuck from these common situations:


Your client says that they don't have “negative” thoughts about themselves. They already KNOW the abuse is not their fault.

Be empowered to confidently assist clients accessing their hurt parts.


Suzy tells you that finding a positive cognition feels like “toxic positivity”, plus she can't even begin to imagine what a better future would look like…

You'll be prepared  to embrace the unknown and continue even when phases or steps feel incomplete.


It's Phase 4 and the SUD is not coming down. You're sure there is some sort of movement happening… but what gives?

Be skilled in intuitively reading into clients' narratives growth.


My client said her negative cognition is, “I'm fucking trash - totally disposable." This isn't on the list from basic training…

You'll be able to identify the 3 parts of a functional narrative and easily align with your client's uncensored voice.

We must  be able to identify client narratives to:

 Increase treatment focus

Improve the application of trauma-informed care

Create straight forward treatment plans

Ensure better outcomes for our clients.

Marianne S, LCSW

Course Participant

This course has not only given me practical strategies I can apply right away, but also a refreshing way to conceptualize how I approach and think about each phase of EMDR. Melissa is a gem to the EMDR community.


Cass W, LCSW

Couse Participant

Melissa's class gave me a boost as an EMDR therapist and it was fun! Her review of the 8 phases included inspiring stories and pro tips that I can't wait to apply, and her clear and captivating presentation made it feel more like play than study. 

Sherri B , LCSW, LCAC

Course Participant

I am so glad that I found this course! I only wish I had found it sooner. Melissa is phenomenal! This course helped me conceptualize how to use EMDR as a framework, rather than just a technique. Melissa made it all come together and make sense for me. I would recommend this course to anyone who has taken the basic training and is looking to feel more confident in using EMDR. I took the course after having been trained for over a year and I feel like it was extremely beneficial. Thank you!

Ready to enroll in the LIVE course?


This course is presented LIVE on Zoom. Must attend live to receive 2 EMDRIA credits. 


Friday, April 4 @ 9 AM (PT)


This course is not for your if…

This course is not for everyone. Notably, you must be at least partially trained in EMDR get any benefit from this workshop. 

And, if you want to acquire EMDRIA credits - you must be fully trained before earning their credits.

Additionally… this course is NOT a good fit for you if you prefer either of two practices: 

#1 You'd Rather Be a “Listening Ear” Than A Therapist

Understanding client narratives is deep, vulnerable work. We are asking our clients to let us into wounded places where we perform with ethics in mind. If this kind of work makes you uncomfortable you may not find value here. We send you much love and light in your practice.

#2 You'd Rather Be A Dictator Than A Therapist

This work will ask you to collaborate closely with your client, pivot as needed and get creative to find what works for their unique needs. If you'd rather assume you know them better than they know themselves, please kindly move on to other trainings. 

Did you want this?


With these pro tips and coverage of special issues, you'll be able to…

Skip Costly Mistakes

Avoid stalling or pressuring your clients into positive cognitions before their ready and learn how to guide them into their narratives with flexibility and creativity.

Bridge the Gap

Learn how to create a flow between the 8 Phases, using a clients inner narrative / cognitions as ribbon woven between each intervention. 

Confidently Create Interventions

When you ground deeply into the standard protocol you find the freedom to reintegrate both your non-EMDR clinical skills (such as IFS and mindfulness) as well as the therapeutic relationship. 

FAQ & answers


This 2-hour course is an easy to digest combination of informative slides and video / audio recording. The slides will progress without any effort from you, allowing you to take notes or jot down ideas for specific clients. You can pause the presentation at any time and resume when you're ready.



The instruction of the course is provided by Melissa Spaulding, EMDRIA therapist and consultant, as a video recording. Melissa's teaching style is warm and and easy - like you're staffing cases with an old friend.



Good news! Your access does not expire. The course content is largely broken down by the 8 Phases. So you can watch the entire 2-hours in one sitting, or watch is one phase at a time. 



  1. A deeper understanding of where the client narrative and how it shows up in the 8-Phases of EMDR.
  2. The confidence to be creative and flexibly in supporting clients as they identify their personal narratives.
  3. How to interpret client's cognitions as a sign of healing.
  4. Mastery of strengthening client's narratives for optimum desensitization and reprocessing.







This course is not meant as a stand-alone refresher course. However, we will touch on each phase of treatment so that you can understand the power of client's cognitions / narratives every step of the way. Plus, you'll be given access to Phase worksheets  and resources that are yours to keep forever.



Nope. And that's good news. This is information that you can apply to nearly any protocol that asks you to identify a clients negative or positive cognition. 



2 CEU credits from EMDRIA are approved.  The ability to earn EMDRIA credits at the completion of this course is reserved for those who have completed an EMDRIA-Approved Basic EMDR Training. 

To each CEU credits you must watch the entire course. Then you'll be emailed your CEU certificate. Easy!



Yes. This program is open only to clinicians who are at least partially trained in EMDR. Honestly, it won't make much sense to you or be of worth if you do not have partial training.

This training is not a substitute for completion or the basic training curriculum. Ethically, you should complete your basic training before applying skills to populations, needs of levels of complexity to which you are unfamiliar. 

Course CreatoR | EMDRIA Consultant

Melissa Spaulding, CMHC

I remember sitting in EMDR Basic Training and understanding both the model and the practical application of EMDR therapy on an intuitive level. 

And then it got complicated…. 


Clients didn't always respond as expect and some outright rejected fundamental concepts like identifying a “negative cognition” or using the SUD scale. But instead of getting frustrated I leaned into the intention behind the model and got creative. 


In that creativity I was reminded, a client's inner narrative is often what brings them to therapy. As many of your know, it's not what the world sees that pains them - it's their inner experience and interpretation. 


An experience of rejection turns into a generalized sense of worthlessness. 

A singular assault morphs into a decades long marriage of fear and protection instead of intimacy and trust. 


Let's join with our clients in these narratives and learn how the standard protocol invites us to weave, track and be creative in creating new stories of healing. As an EMDR therapist and EMDRIA consultant I am thrilled to bring you this course covering the entirety of the 8-phases as well as Special Issues and Pro Tips you can begin to use today.

When we join our clients in their innermost narrative we become human with them, 

in all our shared fears and imperfections.

Don’t miss out on 9 Pro Tips 

+ free resources and worksheets

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Be sure to follow @TheEMDRconsultant

for pro-tips, resources and stress relief during your work day.

Do you have questions about the masterclass, consultation services or private practice? Shoot us a message - we'd love to support you.